Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

The physical bases of hydrogen application as temporary alloying element in manufacturing of Zr and Zr-Ti–based alloys by solid-state diffusion

Підвищення густини спеченого сплаву Zr-40%Ti

Increased sintered density of Zr - 40%Ti alloy produced using zirconium hydride and titanium hydride powder blend as compared to using Zr and TiH2 powder blend.

Area of applications

The physical bases of production technology for Zr and Zr-Ti alloys for the purposes of nuclear energetic and medicine will be developed.

Brief description

The technological development is dedicated to manufacturing of zirconium-based alloys by blended elemental powder metallurgy approach. Hydrogenated zirconium (zirconium hydride) powder and alloying powders are used as starting materials.
Hydrogen positively affects solid-state diffusion, thus activates powder sintering, chemical homogenization and formation of homogeneous alloys with desirable characteristics. Simultaneously, hydrogen is completely removed from material during the vacuum sintering.
Present approach is also planned to be used for recycling of waste products of zirconium industry and manufacturing of new zirconium alloy articles.

Expected results

Optimization of technological parameters of proposed approach within the frames of present project (2013-2015) will allow creation of various alloys, namely, Zr-Nb, Zr-Sn and Zr-Ti-Nb, with physical and mechanical characteristics sufficient for practice application in nuclear energetic and medicine.


Use of zirconium hydride powder and blends of two hydride (titanium and zirconium) powders as starting materials provides production of alloys and parts with desirable properties by simple press-and-sinter technology.
Results obtained confirm higher balance of properties for alloys produced from zirconium hydride powder as compared for those produced from conventional zirconium powder.


Metallurgical enterprises producing zirconium slabs and articles. As an example, «Chepetsk mechanical plant» (Russia).

Project development

A set of experiments had been carried out in 2011-2013; it were established the main causes for activated consolidation and chemical homogenization of powder systems upon synthesis of zirconium alloys and zirconium-titanium alloys from powder hydrides of these metals.
The experimental lots of zirconium alloys possessing desirable physical and high mechanical properties were obtained.

Intellectual property

Patenting of technological developments created within the project frames is planned during 2014-2015.

Contact information

Executor: G.V.Kurdjumov Institute for Metal Physics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Project №37 “The physical bases of hydrogen application as temporary alloying element in manufacturing of Zr and Zr-Ti–based alloys by solid-state diffusion”

Contact person:

Dmytro G. Savvakin

Tel. +38(044)-424-33-74
