Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Detonation coatings based on Ti3Al alloy which is treated by destructive hydrogenation and recombination processes

Fields of application

It is expected to apply the method of titanium intermetallics destructive hydrogenation – recombination for manufacturing of heat-resistant coatings which is designed to use in missile and aircraft engineering.

Short Description

Initial powders for the manufacture of detonation coatings obtained by thermohydrogen processing of titanium intermetallics (in this case Ti3Al) in conditions of destructive hydrogenation – recombination. Spraying of coatings is carried out by means of detonation -gas installation "Dnepr-5MA" developed at the Institute for problems of Materials Science NASU.

Expected properties

The coating obtained from hydrogenated powders, has increased adhesion to the substrate in comparison with coatings obtained from mechanically grinded Ti3Al powder. This is achieved by reducing the amount of brittle oxide phases and narrowing the separation boundary between the individual layers and between the coating and substrate due to the protective effect of hydrogen.


Based on products composition of thermohydrogen processing of titanium intermetallics, the destructive hydrogenation method should be compared with the decomposition of intermetallic hydrides with maximum concentration of hydrogen in the metal matrix. Herewith the hydrides decomposition is carried out at high temperatures (about 900°C) and hydrogen pressure (in the range of thousands of atmospheres). The ten times reducing of these parameters is possible in the case of direct decomposition of initial intermetallic compounds, not their hydrides, during destructive hydrogenation reaction. This simplification of thermohydrogen processing of intermetallic compounds is technologically important aspect of obtaining new dispersion strengthened composites based on titanium with a fine structure.


Moscow State University

Stage of elaboration

The thermodynamic conditions of Ti3Al destructive hydrogenation and recombination are established. The structural-phase mechanism of Ti3Al destructive hydrogenation and recombination is investigated. The powders of TiH2-TiAl3 and recombined Ti3Al are synthesized.
The samples of detonation coatings based on initial and recombined Ti3Al and based on TiH2-TiAl3 nanostructured composite was made and investigated.

Intellectual property

Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NASU

Contact Information

Performer: Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, NASU
Project № 33 " Scientific basis of destructive hydrogenation-recombination of intermetallic compounds and alloys containing hydride-formative metal, and development of a new generation of non-destructive hydrogen storage"


Kucheriavii Oleg

