Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Oxygen-conducting materials based on stabilized zirconia for medium temperatures (500-600°C)

The investigation of synthesis conditions

The investigation of synthesis conditions, fractal structure and crystal structure of materials based on stabilized zirconium dioxide.

Fields of application

High-temperature fuel cells, oxygen sensors.

Short Description

Oxygen-conducting polycrystalline ceramics synthesized based on stabilized zirconia have in range of average temperatures (~480°C) high conductivity of ceramic grains (6-9).10-4 S/cm, high total conductivity (5-7).10-4 S/cm and low electronic conductivity (< 10-7 S/cm) in a wide range of oxygen partial pressures (10 -20… 1). Сeramics developed has high structural stability over time and at high temperature. Weakly agglomerated nanoparticles of stabilized zirconia were synthesized by precipitation from aqueous and non-aqueous solutions. The optimal regimes of ceramics sintering were determined.

Expected properties

The technology for the preparation of weakly agglomerated nanoparticles, electrode and electrolyte materials based on zirconium oxide stabilized by complex oxides based on yttrium, scandium, iron and cerium will be developed, which will have the of cubic fluorite structure and high oxygen conductivity in average range of temperatures (500-600°С)


The nature of the stabilization of the cubic fluorite structure based on zirconia stabilized by complex additives (Y2O3-Fe2O3, Y2O3-CeO2, Sc2O3-Fe2O3, Sc2O3-CeO2). has been investigated. It has been shown that scandium-doped ceramics distinguished by high ionic conductivity of grain boundaries. The electronic conductivity at high temperature (500-700°C) under reducing atmosphere (oxygen partial pressure of 10-20 … 1) has been investigated.


Siemens Westinghouse Power Corp.,
Global Thermoelectric,
Argonne National Laboratory (ANL)

Stage of development

The preparation technology of weakly agglomerated nanoparticles and ceramics based on stabilized zirconium oxide with high oxygen conductivity in average temperatures (500-600°C) has been developed.

Intellectual property

  • Ukrainian patents:
    A.G. Belous, E.V. Pashkova, K.V., Krawczyk, O.I. V'yunov. Ceramic ohygen-conducting material based on zirconium dioxide // Ukrainian patent for useful model № 9420 from 15.09.2005.
  • I.A. Slobodyanyuk, I.A. Rusetskiy, G.Y. Kolbasov, S.D. Kobylyanskaya, A.G. Belous. Element for photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution with Li leading membrane // Ukrainian patent for useful model № 73554 from 25.09.2012.
  • Contact Information

    Executor: Vernadsky Institute of General and Inorganic Chemistry, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

    Project № 31 "Electrolyte and electrode materials for low temperature (600°C) fuel cell based on zirconium oxide stabilized by complex scandium-containing dopants".

    Contact person:

    Anatoly Belous

    Tel. +38044 4242211
