Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Synthesis and investigation of properties of proton conductive organic-inorganic systems for creation of membranes with proton conductivity under conditions of controlled humidity

The methods of synthesis of nanostructured hybrid proton conductive membranes based on ?,?- dialkoxysilane uretaneurea oligooxyethylene precursors which are capable of forming the proton conductive phase and protonodonors of different chemical structure and molecular architecture (linear oligoether monofunctional, telechelic, polyfunctional (capable of sol-gel transformation), hyperbrunched polyester and sulfonated star-shaped silicon (including ampholytic) were developed. The synthesis of membranes was carried out via combining the obtained alkoxysilane precursors and the protonodonors during sol-gel synthesis in various combinations and proportions. These organic- inorganic membranes are capable of proton conductivity under dry conditions at temperatures above 100 °С.

Fields of application

The obtained proton conductive membranes except use in fuel cells can be used in chemical separation, sensors, energy storage devices, windows with controlled permeability of light («smart windows»), electrochromic displays, process of water electrolysis.

Short Description

The methods of synthesis of oligomeric protondonating compounds, namely linear oligoether monofunctional, telechelic, polyfunctional (capable of sol-gel transformation), hyperbrunched polyester and sulfonated star-shaped silicon (including ampholytic) protonodonors that implement different types of membrane structures based on them were developed. As a starting compound for the formation of proton conductive polymer matrix the oligomeric urethaneurea α,ω-di(triethoxysilyl)oligooxyethylene precursors of different MM which are capable of sol-gel transformation were used.
The formation of protonconductive membranes was performed via sol-gel method using acid catalysis combining the synthesized protonodonors with oligomeric precursors at different ratios.
The structure and the properties of the obtained membranes were investigated. The relationships between chemical structure, structure and properties of the obtained membranes were established and the methods for control of them were developed.

Expected properties

High thermal stability of the obtained membranes and their ability for proton conductivity under dry conditions at temperatures above 100°С as well as under humidification.


The synthesized organic-inorganic nanostructured hybrid proton conducting membranes are characterized by high mechanical durability and thermal stability combined with reasonable proton conductivity under dry conditions, ability to retain moisture at temperatures above 100°С with preservation of proton conductivity level, low fuel crossover, ease of synthesis and a significant cost reduction.


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Stage of development

The methods of synthesis of nanostructured organic-inorganic hybrid protonconductive membranes which are capable of proton conductivity when dry or humidified based on a new type of oligomeric sulfonated protonodonors in combination with filmforming α,ω- dialkoxysilane oligoether precursors of segmented structure and which are characterized by thermal stability of 220-325°С and conductivity level of 10-4-10-3 S/cm at 100 – 120°С under dry conditions were developed. These membranes according to above-mentioned parameters are on par with the best domestic and foreign analogues of this type.

Intellectual property

  • Pat.77358 Ukraine, IPC7 C 08L 75/00, C08K 5/54. Polymeric proton conductive composition for fuel cells / Stryutsky O.V., Klymenko N.S., Lysenkov E.A., Vortman M.Ya., Shevchuk O.V., Shevchenko V.V.; the applicant and the patentee is the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. - № u201209398; appl. 01.08.12 ; publ. 11.02.13, Bull. №3.
  • Pat. 59749 Ukraine, IPC7 C 08L 63/02, C08K 5/00. Polymeric proton conductive composition for fuel cells / Klymenko N.S., Stryutsky O.V., Lysenkov E.A., Vortman M.Ya., Shevchuk O.V., Shevchenko V.V.; the applicant and the patentee is the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. - № u201014109; appl. 26.11.10; publ. 25.05.11, Bull. №10.
  • Pat. 62378 Ukraine, IPC7 C 08L 63/02, C08K 5/00. Polymeric organic-inorganic lithium conductive material / Stryutsky O.V., Klymenko N.S., Lysenkov E.A., Vortman M.Ya., Zolotarev O.R., Shevchenko V.V., Rudakov V.M.; the applicant and the patentee is the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. - № u201101450 ; appl. 09.02.11; publ. 25.08.11, Bull. №16.
  • Pat. 55184 Ukraine, IPC7 C 08L 63/02, C08K 5/54. Polymeric proton conductive composition for fuel cells / Klymenko N.S., Stryutsky O.V., Lysenkov E.A., Vortman M.Ya., Shevchuk O.V., Shevchenko V.V.; the applicant and the patentee is the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. - № u201005867 ; appl. 14.05.10; publ. 10.12.10, Bull. №23.
  • Pat. 52505 Ukraine, IPC7 C 08L 63/00, C08K 5/00. Polymeric proton conductive composition for fuel cells / Klymenko N.S., Stryutsky O.V., Gumenna M.A., Lysenkov E.A., Vortman M.Ya., Shevchenko V.V.; the applicant and the patentee is the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the NAS of Ukraine. - № u201003043; appl. 17.03.10; publ. 20.08.10, Bull. №16.
  • Contact Information

    Executive : Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry NAS of Ukraine.

    Project № 29 «Development of hybrid materials for proton conductive membranes for polyelectrolyte hydrogen fuel cells" of target comprehensive program of scientific research of the NAS of Ukraine "Hydrogen in alternative energy and new technologies" »

    Contact person:

    Valery V. Shevchenko
