Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Investigation of thermal hysteresis phenomena in order to identify its impact on the character of heat and mass transfer processes in metal hydride units in stationary mode

Scope of use

Mathematical model of heat and mass exchange process with temperature hysteresis in metal hydrides for creation new class of metal hydride equipment for wide functional using for energy transformation and conversion on the basic of thermal sorption interaction hydrogen with metal hydride.

Short description

An improved mathematical model of heat and mass exchange with temperature hysteresis, which takes into account a number of assumptions and is based on the assumption that the curve PCT – diagram is inclined plateau, has been proposed.

Expected properties

Mathematical model of heat and mass exchange process with temperature hysteresis in metal hydrides make it possible to determine parameters of construction elements of thermal sorption compressor and operational parameters.


The model in comparison with existing enables can more accurate calculations of metal hydride systems of different purpose and make the optimal choice of design and operational parameters in the development of components for hydrogen power technology systems.


Suda Seijirau,
Toyota Motor Co Ltd,
GKSS – Forschungs Zentrum Gresthacht GmbН.

Project development

An improved mathematical model of heat and mass exchange with temperature hysteresis, which used in account analysis that allow to determine PCT – dependence, that take into account not only slope of the plateau pressure area and allow for multi-component hydro-forming alloys describe transitions between two-phase area of the plateau and single-phase area solid solutions of hydrogen. This enables the study of heat and mass exchange process with a high degree of accuracy to predict the behavior of a wide range of hydro-forming materials in a hydrogen atmosphere.

Intellectual property

Contact Information

Executor: A.M. Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Project №40 «Thermodynamic and thermo physical principals of energy conversion in metal-hydride units in view of thermal nonstationarity in thermal-and-sorptional processes with temperature hysteresis»

Контактна особа:

Сhernaya Natalia
