Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Scheme of energotechnological complex for heat and electric energy production with hydrogen turbounit and matal hydride thermosorptional compressor

CC - combustion chamber;
S – stove;
HE - heat exchanger for hydrogen heat;
HT - hydrogen turbine;
TSC – thermal sorption compressor

Area of applications

The scheme is designed to produce heat and electric energy by utilizing heat of waste gases from regenerative air heaters of blast furnaces.

Brief description

At the example of the blast furnace was developed scheme of energotechnological complex for production of heat and electric energy, which is integrated into the system of air supply to blast furnace. The main elements of the scheme is hydrogen turbine and metal hydride thermal sorption compressor, which makes it possible to use low potential heat of waste gases with a high degree of thermodynamic perfection.

Expected results

The scheme reduces the temperature of the waste gases after the blast stoves to the level of 100°C and produce an additional amount of electricity for the needs of the enterprise.


Using the scheme will provide additional generation of electric energy through the use of waste gas heat and reducing heat emissions in the atmosphere.


Siemens AG,
Ergenics Inc,
GKSS Forschungs Zentrum Gresthacht GmbН.

Project development

The basic characteristics of hydrogen energy-power circuit installations at assembly points of the cycle have been obtained and the influence of the temperature of the waste gases by a factor of system excellence has been determined.

Intellectual property

Patent of Ukraine № 98 705 MPK51, S25V 1/02; S25V 9.4. The method of electrolysis plant for hydrogen and oxygen pressure V.V.Solovey, AA Shevchenko, AS Fat, OO Makarov. Publ. 11.06.2012, Bull. № 11. - 5 seconds.

Contact Information

Executor: A.M.Pidhorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems of National Academy of Science of Ukraine

Project №39 «Development of thermal gas dynamic principles of creation of high efficient hydrogen turbine units at thermal and chemical compression of working body»

Контактна особа:

Koshelnik Aleksandr
