Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Development of strength and serviceability criteria of structural steels in hydrogen environment with taking into account of their hydrogenation near defects - stress concentrators

General view of laboratory complex for electrochemical studies of pipeline steels hydrogenation and determination of hydrogen concentration in metal:
1 – dynamic electrochemical laboratory VoltaLab40 (Producer: Radiometer Analytical SAS, France);
2 – universal electrochemical cell;
3 – oxygen meter;
4 – high pressure gas cylinder (argon);
5 – gas pressure regulator;
6 – low pressure gas cylinder (argon);
7 – argon-admission valve;
8 – water-lock.

Area of applications

Engineering centers and branches of industrial companies, which relate with the problems of transmission of gaseous hydrogen and hydrogen-contained substances and also with using of hydrogen as energy carrier or technological environment.

Brief description

New criteria for strength and fracture assessment of the structural steels in hydrogen environments in the view of the analytical formulas and diagrams, which relate the failure load with the local stress and local hydrogen concentration at the crack-like defects.

Expected results

The project is targeted on the development of the expert system for assessment of strength and serviceability of the critical structures in hydrogen environments with the aim to provide their reliable operation and to prevent the emergency conditions. The results of project can be also used under development of new modifications of structural steels for work in hydrogen-contained environments.


Fulfillment of the project leads to improvement on higher level of existed in Ukraine methods for assessment of state of pipeline systems for transmission of gaseous hydrogen and its mixtures (increasing of reliability for damaging predictions and as result minimization of economical, ecological and social consequences of failure of these critical objects).
For some figures this work exceeds the existed European analogues.


Compagnie Europeenne des Technologies de l’Hydrogene,
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands.

Project development

The methods and hardware for study of localized physico-chemical processes at the cracks and others stress concentrators under joint action of mechanical loading and hydrogen-contained environments are developed.
New methods for determination of crack growth resistance parameters of metals in gaseous hydrogen and others hydrogen-contained environments are developed and verified. The conditions and criteria of nucleation of surface defects and damages in deformed material under influence of hydrogen-contained environment are established.

Intellectual property

Patent on useful model No 57275 Ukraine, IPC (2011.01) G01N 13/00 Stand for strength and fracture assessment of pipes under internal pressure of gaseous environments / Lutytskyy O.L., Dmytrakh I.M., Vovk R.I., Student O.Z., Bilyy O.L; owner: Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine; submitted 23.03.2010; published. 25.02.2011, Bulletin No 4.

Contact information

Executor: Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Project №35 “Development of strength and serviceability criteria of structural steels in hydrogen environment with taking into account of their hydrogenation near defects - stress concentrators”

Contact person:

Dmytrakh Ihor

tel. +38(032)-296-36-03
