Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Hydrogen alternative energy and new technologies


I.Hydrogen production

II.Hydrogen Storage

III.The use of hydrogen

On the most important:

Science reporting session


Abstracts 2011


Abstracts 2012


Abstracts 2013


Abstracts 2014


He main directions of development of hydrogen energy (review)


Hydrogen energy: storage and transportation of hydrogen (review)


Basic problem of hydrogen energy.

Investigation of influence of insoluble components on accumulation and allocation of hydrogen from the magnesium composites received by a method of plasma evaporation an alloy components

This project is directed on search components for composites on the basis of magnesium which can essentially improve properties accumulating hydrogen.
The particular interest is caused by materials in nanocrystal state. Implementation nanoforming components is one of the ways of reception of materials in nanocrystal state. In our opinion, it is necessary to carry nanoforming components, first of all, chemical elements which have low solubility or do not co-operate at all with components of created composites. For reception of composites with the different maintenance insoluble the components was used a method of plasma evaporation - sputtering which provided atom-by-atom mixing components with wide a range of concentration insoluble elements (composites with essentially nonequilibrium, unordered structures).
It is necessary to allocate such composites as essentially new class of materials.

Schematic representation of the experimental facility for making the samples by plasma evaporation-sputterings:

1 - cathodes of metals to be sputtered – Mg and Zr;
2 - sample holder;
3 - gas bottles;
4 - pumps;
5 - pressure meters.

Deuterium desorption temperature of maximum versus the composition of Mg-Zr on the ratio of components concentration.

Dose is ≈7.3×10 17D/сm 2, Тirrad. ≈100 K

Area of applications


  • I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, O.S. Кuprin Threshold character of temperatures on deuterium desorption from the Mg-Zr composite. // IOP Conf. Series:Materials Science and Eng. 23 (2011) 012028; doi:10.1088/1757-899X/23/1/012028.
  • I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba.P.A. Khaimovich,A.G. Galitskiy. Hydrogen diagnosticsof structural states in 18Cr10NiTi steel. //Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 36 (2011) 1192-1195.
  • I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba. N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, O.S. Кuprin. Threshold character of temperatures on deuterium desorption from the Mg-V composite. // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 38 (2012) 012061 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/38/1/012061.
  • O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, I.M. Neklyudov, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Кuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, I.V. Kolodiy, O.G. Galitskiy. Deuterium desorption temperature from Mg-Ti composites prepared by method of atom-by-atom mixing of components. // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 49 (2013) 012013; doi:10.1088/1757-899X/49/1/012013.
  • O.M. Morozov , V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, I.M. Neklyudov, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Кuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, O.G. Galitskiy. Effects of Concentration Titanium on Threshold Character of Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Mg–based Composites. // Proceedings оf the International Conference Nanomaterials: Applications and Properties (NAP-2013), Vol. 2 No 4, 04NEA04 (4pp) (2013)ared by method of atom-by-atom mixing of components. // IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 49 (2013) 012013; doi:10.1088/1757-899X/49/1/012013.
  • І.М. Неклюдов, О.М. Морозов, В.І. Журбa, О.C. Купрін, В.О Проголаєва. Вплив нерозчинних елементів на накопичення та виділення дейтерію із магнієвих композитів, отриманих методом поатомного змішування компонент. компонент. // Водень в альтернативній енергетиці та новітніх технологіях [Редактори В.Д. Походенко, В.В. Скороход, Ю.М. Солонін]. – Київ, 2015.

    Reports at conferences

  • И.М. Неклюдов, А.Н. Морозов, В.И. Журбa, В.А. Проголаева, А.C. Куприн, В.Д. Овчаренко, И.В. Колодий, А.Г. Галицкий. Влияние концентрации Ti, Zr, V, Fe на температурные диапазоны десорбции дейтерия из композитов на основе Mg. Сборник докладов 5-й Международной Конференции и 9-й Международной школы молодых ученых и специалистов им. А.А. Курдюмова «Взаимодействие изотопов водорода с конструкционными материалами (IHISM’14)», Саров, Россия, 07-11 июля 2014, 21 с.
  • И.М. Неклюдов, А.Н. Морозов, В.Г. Кулиш, В.И. Журба, Н.С. Ломино, В.Д. Овчаренко, А.C. Куприн, И.В. Колодий, А.Г. Галицкий. Пороговый характер температуры десорбции дейтерия из Mg-Zr композитов. // Сборник докладов Седьмой международной школы молодых ученых и специалистов «Взаимодействие изотопов водорода с конструкционными материалами IHISM’11 JUNIOR» (г. Звенигород 24-28 октября 2011г) – Саров. – Россия-2012г.–С.361-369.
  • И.М. Неклюдов, А.Н. Морозов, В.Г. Кулиш, В.И. Журба, Н.С. Ломино, В.Д. Овчаренко, А.C. Куприн, Е.Н. Решетняк. Пороговый характер температуры десорбции дейтерия из Mg-V композитов. // Труды «XX Международной конференции по физике радиационных явлений и радиационному материаловедению XX-ICPRP», 10-15 сент. 2012, г. Алушта, Крым, Украина, с.82-83.
  • И.М. Неклюдов, А.Н. Морозов, В.Г. Кулиш, В.И. Журба, Н.С. Ломино, В.Д. Овчаренко, А.С.Куприн. Пороговый характер температуры десорбции дейтерия из Mg-Zr композитов // Материалы VII Международной школы-конференции молодых ученых и специалистов “Взаимодействие изотопов водорода с конструкционными материалами (IHISM’11)”, 24-28окт.(2011) Звенигород, Россия, с. 344-351.

    Theses of reports (approbation)

  • I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.I. Zhurba, A.S. Кuprin, V.O. Progolaieva. Deuterium desorption temperatures of Al-Ti composites prepared by the method of atom-by-atom component mixing. Int. research and practice conf. «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» (НАНО-2015) Lviv, Ukraine, Aug. 24 to 29, 2015, р. 296.
  • O.M. Morozov, I.M. Neklyudov, V.I. Zhurba, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Kuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Ovcharenko,I.V. Kolodiy, E.N. Reshetnyak. Effects of concentration Ti, Zr, V on deuterium desorption temperature range from Mg-based composite. //Book of abstracts at the Fifth Int. Conf. “Interaction of hydrogen isotopes with structural materials (IHISM?14)”, Sarov, Russia, 07-11 July, 2014, p.139-140.
  • O.M. Morozov, I.M. Neklyudov, V.I. Zhurba, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Kuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Ovcharenko. Effects of concentration Ti, Zr, V on deuterium desorption temperature range from Mg-based composite. // Int. research and practice conf. «Nanotechnology and nanomaterials» (NANO-2014), Lviv, Ukraine, Aug. 27 to 30, 2014. р. 328..
  • O.M. Morozov, I.M. Neklyudov, V.I. Zhurba, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Kuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Ovcharenko. Effects of Concentration Ti, Zr, V on Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Mg-based Composite. // Int. Symposium «Metal-Hydrogen Systems – Fundam. and Appl. (MH2014)», Manchester, United Kingdom, 20-25 July 2014, abstr. #325.
  • O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, I.M. Neklyudov, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Кuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, I.V. Kolodiy, O.G. Galitskiy. Deuterium desorption temperature from Mg-Ti composites prepared by method of atom-by-atom mixing of components. // Int. Conf. “Functional materials and nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2013)”, 21-24 April, Tartu, Estonia, Book of abstr. (PО-32), p. 137.
  • O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, I.M. Neklyudov, V.O. Progolaieva, A.S. Кuprin, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, I.V. Kolodiy, O.G. Galitskiy. Effects of Concentration Ti on Structure and Deuterium Desorption Temperature Range from Mg-Ti Composites. //18th Int. Conf. on Surface Modification of Materials by Ion Beams (SMMIB 2013). Sept. 15-20, 2013, Kusadaci, Turkey. Abstract-Book (POS32), p.172.
  • И.М. Неклюдов, А.Н. Морозов, А.C. Куприн, В.А. Проголаева, В.И. Журба, Н.С. Ломино, В.Д. Овчаренко, И.В. Колодий. Пороговый характер температуры десорбции дейтерия из Mg-Zr композитов, изготовленных методом поатомного смешивания компонент. // IV Международная научная конференция «Наноразмерные системы: строение, свойства, технологии (НАНСИС-2013)» 19-22 ноября 2013 г. Киев, тезисы (С3-26), р.249.
  • I.M. Neklyudov, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, A.G. Galitskij, N.S. Lomino, V.D. Оvcharenko, O.S. Кuprin. E.N. Reshetnyak. Threshold character of temperatures on deuterium desorption from the Mg-V composite. // International Conf. “Functional materials and nanotechnologies (FM&NT-2012)”, 17-20 April, Riga, Latvia. Book of abstr., (Po-181), p. 294.
  • А.Н. Морозов, В.Г. Кулиш, В.И. Журба, А.C. Куприн, Н.С. Ломино, В.Д. Овчаренко, Е.Н. Решетняк. Влияние Zr и V на структуру и температуру десорбции дейтерия из композитов на основе Mg. // Тезисы III Межд. конф. «Наноструктурные материалы – 2012: Россия-Украина-Беларусь (НАНО-2012)», Санкт-Петербург, 19-22 ноября 2012, с.323..
  • I.M. Neklyudov, N.S. Lomino, O.M. Morozov, V.G. Kulish, V.I. Zhurba, V.D. Оvcharenko, O.S. Кuprin. The Effects of Zr on Temperature Rangesof Hydrogen Desorption in Mg-Zr composition. //International Conference Functional Materials and Nanotechnologies (FM&NT – 2011), Riga, Latvia, apr. 5-8(2011), Book of abstracts, p. 203 (PO-113).

Project development

Composites of systems Mg-Ti, Mg-Al-Ti, Mg-V, Mg-Zr, Mg-Fe, Mg-steel Х18Н10Т with a various ratio components are made. Temperature ranges desorption deuterium depending on type and concentration (ratio) components are investigated. Researches with application complex modern methods are conducted: thermodesorption mass spectrometry (ТДС), ion implantation, X-ray diffraction.
It is revealed that implementation insoluble in magnesium components leads to temperature desorption deuterium (for example, on 400 K for Ti, on 330 K for V) in comparison with allocation from samples of magnesium (~800 K). Samples of systems Mg-Zr and Mg-V have nano/ amorphous state. Presence chemically inactive for magnesium provides a component low temperature desorption deuterium. Such result is observed at concentration Ti less than 40 ат. %, 16 ат. % for V. Channels which are formed by insoluble components in magnesium can be the reason of decrease in temperature desorption hydrogen.
The step kind of curve dependence a maximum temperature of a thermoactived desorption deuterium from the investigated composites on the basis of Mg testifies to presence of two different structural conditions for systems Mg-Ti, Mg-V, Mg-Zr depending on ratio of components. Thus stoichiometric ratio of components, testify possibilities of formation chemical compounds from a components not co-operating in usual conditions.
The obtained data testifies to availability search of materials - hydrogen storage in which structure there are chemical elements not co-operating with components of composites (nanoforming elements). Presence of such elements reduces temperature desorption hydrogen. The further researches directed on search of effective structure, kinetics sorption-desorption etc. are necessary.

Intellectual property

  • Patent on useful model № 77457 Ukraine (11.02.2013) Alloys for hydrogen storage / Ivanchenko V.G., Pryadko T.V., Dekhtyarenko V.A.
  • Patent on useful model № 82647 Ukraine (12.08.2013) Hydrogenated titanium based alloys for neutron protection / Pryadko T.V., Ivanchenko V.G., Dekhtyarenko V.A.
  • Patent on useful model №82925 Ukraine (27.08.2013) Alloys for hydrogen storage / Ivanchenko V.G., Pryadko T.V., Dekhtyarenko V.A.
  • Patent for an invention №103865 Ukraine (25.11.2013) Hydrogenated titanium based alloys for neutron protection / Pryadko T.V., Ivanchenko V.G., Dekhtyarenko V.A.

Contact information

Executor: National Science Center “Kharkiv Institute of Physics and Technology”, 61108 Kharkiv, UkraineProject

Project № 27 “Investigation of influence of insoluble components on accumulation and allocation of hydrogen from the magnesian composites received by a method of plasma evaporation an alloy components”

Contact person:

Oleksandr Morozov

Tel. +38(057)-700-3568

mob. +38 095-813-6195
