Target complex Programme for Research of NAS UKRAINE

Fundamental problems of hydrogen and renewable energy and fuel all technologies


Hydrogen production

Hydrogen Storage

Fuel cells

On the most important:


  • Chairman of the Working Group under the Scientific Council of the target complex program of basic research NAS Ukraine «Fundamental problems of hydrogen and renewable energy and fuel all technologies»

    Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine specialty
    Strizhak Peter E.

    (+38044) 525-66-63


  • Secretary of the Working Group under the Scientific Council of the target complex program of basic research NAS Ukraine «Fundamental problems of hydrogen and renewable energy and fuel all technologies»
  • к.т.н. Ph.D. Ershova Olga G.


  • Chairman informatsionnoho center "Hydrogen-Info"

    Ph.D. Bilan Irina I.

    (044) 205-79-44


  • Chief specialist informatsionnoho center "Hydrogen-Info"

    Gudymenko Tatiana V.

    (044) 205-79-44
