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Selected papers:

  1. V.I.Dybkov:  Reaction diffusion in heterogeneous binary systems, Parts 1-3, Journal of Materials Science, 1986, v.21, No.9, p.3078-3090, 1987, v.22, No.12, p.4233-4239.

  2. V.I.Dybkov:  Interaction of 18Cr-10Ni stainless steel with liquid aluminium, Journal of Materials Science, 1990, v.25, No.8, p.3615-3633.

  3. V.I.Dybkov:  Growth kinetics of silicide layers: a physico-chemical viewpoint, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 1992, v.53, No.5, p.703-712.

  4. V.I.Dybkov:  Interaction of iron-nickel alloys with liquid aluminium: Part I-Dissolution kinetics, J.Mater.Sci., 1993, v.28, No.23, p.6371-6380; Part II-Formation of intermetallics, J.Mater.Sci., 2000, v.35, No.7, p.1729-1736.

  5. V.I.Dybkov:  Phase stability during growth of compound layers, Materials Science Forum, 1994, v.155-156, p.31-38.

  6. O.V.Duchenko, V.I.Dybkov:  Determination of NiBi3 reaction-diffusion constants in Ni-Bi couples, J.Mater.Sci.Lett., 1995, v.14, No.24, p.1725-1727.
  7. V.I.Dybkov, O.V.Duchenko:  Growth kinetics of compound layers at the nickel-bismuth interface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 1996, v.234, No.2, p.295-300.

  8. V.I.Dybkov, O.V.Duchenko:  The homogeneity ranges of the delta ( δ ) and gamma ( γ ) phases in the Ni-Zn binary system grown by the reaction couple method, J.Phase Equilibria, 1998, v.19, No.5, p.434-440.

  9. O.V.Duchenko, V.M.Vereshchaka, V.I.Dybkov:  Phase formation and reaction kinetics in the Co-Zn diffusion couples, J.Alloys and Compounds, 1999, v.288, No.2, p.164-169.

  10. V.I.Dybkov:  Reaction diffusion in binary solid-solid, solid-liquid and solid-gas systems: common and distinctive features, Defect and Diffusion Forum, 2001, v.194-199, p.1503-1522.

  11. K. Barmak, V.I.Dybkov:  Interaction of iron-chromium alloys with liquid aluminium: Part I-Dissolution kinetics, J.Mater.Sci., 2003, v.38, No.7, p.4219-4230.

  12. K. Barmak, V.I.Dybkov:  Interaction of iron-chromium alloys with liquid aluminium: Part II-Formation of intermetallic compounds, J.Mater.Sci., 2004, v.39, No.13, p.4219-4230.

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