Full Name in English Transcription: | Surname: DYBKOV Name: VASYL Middle: IVANOVICH |
Citizenship: | Ukraine |
Date of Birth: | September 25, 1948. |
Place of Birth: | Klusy, Chernigov Area, Ukraine |
Marital status: | Married, five sons |
Job position: | Leading Research Scientist |
Place of work: | Department of Physical Chemistry of Inorganic Materials, Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine |
Work address: | Institute for Problems of Materials Science, 3 Krzhizhanivsky Str., KYIV 03180, Ukraine |
Work telephone: | (38044)-4243090 |
Work fax: | (38044)-4242131 |
E-mail: | (job) dep6@materials.kiev.ua (home) vdybkov@ukr.net |
WWW: | http://www.i.com.ua/~dybkov/V/index.html |
Home address: | Prospect Svobody, 1A-87 Kyiv 04108, Ukraine |
Home telephone: | (38044)- 4334450 |
Education: |
Total number of publications: | over 90 |
Participation in Conferences: | Participated in 18 conferences, was a member of Scientific Advisory Committee of the International Conferences "Reactive phase formation at interfaces and diffusion processes" (May 21-28, 1993, Aussois, France) and "Diffusion in Materials - DIMAT'2000" (July 17-21, 2000, Paris, France). Was a visiting professor of the University St Jerome in Marseille (March-April 1996). |
Invitations: | Competitive grants:
Fields of interests: | solid-state chemical kinetics, reaction diffusion,
phase formation in binary and multicomponent systems of different
chemical nature, dissolution of solids in liquids.
Now engaged into the investigation of reaction diffusion, solid-state growth kinetics of compound layers, solubility, dissolution and phase formation in binary and multicomponent systems of transition and rare earth metals with aluminium, tin, zinc, indium, cadmium, bismuth and other relatively low-melting metals. |
Last Modified 11/14/2005 21:00:00