
04. Department of functional oxide materials

Main courses of discovery

  • The investigation of phase transitions and calculations of phase diagrams in oxides macro- and nanoferroics. Study of their electric, magnetic peculiarities and external fields influence on them aimed on creation of new materials for modern micro- and nanoelectronic technique.
  • Development and fabrication of competitive oxide ceramic materials and articles with functional characteristics and resources of work which are at the level of the best world analogues.

Themes of scientific research

The investigation of phase transitions and calculations of phase diagrams in oxides macro- and nanoferroics. Study of their electric, magnetic peculiarities and external fields influence on them aimed on creation of new materials for modern micro- and nanoelectronic technique. Development and fabrication of competitive oxide ceramic materials and articles with functional characteristics and resources of work which are at the level of the best world analogues.

Best results

1.For nanosized materials the analytical formula for description of physical properties were obtained for the first time on the base of variational method of Euler-Lagrange equations solution.

2.With account of surface influence the physical nature of appearance of ferroelectricity, ferromagnetization, piezoelectric and magnetoelectric properties in nanoparticles and thin films of oxides which have no such properties in bulk was found out. Main results are published in the papers:

  • M.D.Glinchuk, E.A.Eliseev et al., Ferroelectricity enhancement in confined nanorods: Direct variational method, Phys.Rev. B 73, 214106 (2006).
  • E.A. Eliseev, M.D. Glinchuk, V.V.Skorokhod et al., Surface-induced piezomagnetic, piezoelectric and linear magnetoelectric effects in nanosystems, Phys. Rev. B 82, 085408(7) (2010);
  • E. A. Eliseev, M. D. Glinchukaet al., Surface-induced magnetization of the solids with impurities and vacancies, Physica B: Cond. Matter 406, 1673 (2011);
  • E. A. Eliseev, M. D. Glinchuk et al., Anion vacancy-driven magnetism in incipient ferroelectrics SrTiO3 and KTaO3, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 094105 (2011);
  • M. D. Glinchuk, E. A. Eliseev et al., Ferroelectricity and ferromagnetism in EuTiO3 nanowires, Phys. Rev. B 84, 205403 (2011);
  • E. A. Eliseev, M. D. Glinchuk, V. V. Skorokhod et al., Linear magnetoelectric coupling and ferroelectricity induced by the flexomagnetic effect in ferroics, Phys. Rev. B 84, 174112 (2011);
  • M.D.Glinchuk et al., Oxygen-vacancy-induced ferromagnetism in undoped SnO2 thin films, Phys. Rev. B 85, 165319 (2012).

3. Experimentally with the help of electron paramagnetic and nuclear magnetic resonance methods as well as by measurements of magnetic susceptibility in the broad temperature region (4 - 300 K) it was investigated the properties of solid solutions on the base of multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3. Theoretical modeling of the observed anomalous properties permitted to find out that the phase with coexistence of antiferromagnetic order and spin glass state, i.e. reentrant phase, is the ground magnetic state of the considered multiferroic.

  • V.V. Laguta et al., 93Nb NMR and Fe3+ EPR study of local magnetic properties of magnetoelectric Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3, Mater. Res. Bull. 45, 1720-1727 (2010);
  • V.V.Laguta, M.D.Glinchuk et al., Magnetic properties of solid solutions built on the basis of multiferroic Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3, Phys. Rev. B,.

4. On the basis of carried out theoretical investigations a row of analytical and numerical methods of calculations of electronic spectrum in the bulk and at the surface of actual crystals А3В5 та А2В6 – type are developed. The spectrum fine and superfine electronic structure induced by shallow impurities centers, electron-hole excitations, exciton-impurity complexes and external factors such as electromagnetic field, temperature, pressure, melting are calculated. Software package for calculation of electronic properties in the bulk and at the surface of diamond, sphalerite and wurtzite type crystals are proposed. Software package is represented at the site in three files:

C.М.Зубкова, Л.Н.Русина и др., Температурная зависимость зонной структуры полупроводников типа А2В6 со структурой вюрцита: ZnS, ZnSе, ZnTe, CdTе, ФТП, 41, 908 (2007);

C. М Зубкова, Л. Н. Русіна, Т. Н. Горкавенко, В. А. Макара, В. Л. Бекенев, Температурная зависимость зонной структуры и плотности состояний гексагонального оксида цинка, УФЖ, 52, 460 (2007);

С.М.Зубкова, Л.Н.Русіна та ін., Електронні властивості поверхні (111) в А3 В5 та А2 В6- кристаллах, УФЖ, 56, 148 (2011).

5. The book of M.D. Glinchuk and A.V. Ragulya “Nanoferroics” is published by Naukova Dumka, Kiev, 2010. The supplemented version of the book has to be published in English by Springer publishing hause in 2013.

6. Ceramic materials and articles on the basis of oxides, namely cordierite and aluminium titanate with extra low (? 1,0 ? 10–6 0С) value of linear expansion temperature coefficient were created . On the basis of cordierite the carriers of catalysts and particulate filters of thickened structure for cleaning of exhaust gases of internal combustion engine were done. On the basis testing in combustion laboratory of Pennsylvania University (USA) the catalysts and particulate filters were recognized as competitive and recommended for certification. On the basis of developed cordierite, mullito- cordierite, melting аluminium titanate and mullito-zirconu the filters of thickened and cellular structure for filtration and refinement of melted metals were developed.

  • В.М.Павліков, Є.П.Гармаш, В.О.Юрченко та ін., Вплив мінерального й фазового складу вихідних сумішей на твердо фазний синтез кордієриту, Порошкова металургія, № 9, 75-89 (2010);
  • В.М.Павліков, Є.П.Гармаш, В.О.Юрченко, І.В.Плескач та ін., Механохімічна активація каолініту, пірофіліту і тальку та її вплив на синтез кордієриту і властивості кордієритової кераміки, Порошкова металургія, № 9, 89-102 (2010);
  • E.P.Garmash, V.N.Pavlikov et al., Oxidation of fine dispersed carbon on the put oxide catalysts, Theoretical and experimental chemistry, 39, 317-321 (2007).


Scientists of department 4 invite to cooperation of scientists of Ukraine and other countries.


Scientific developments of department


Eliseev E., D.Ph.M.
Glinchuk M.
corr.memb., D.Ph.M.
Kondakova I.,
Kuzyan R., D.Ph.M.
Laguta V., D.Ph.M.
Pavlikov V.,
Yurchenko L.
Zagorodniy Y.

No data on publications found for the year.