IPMS of І.М.Frantsevich of NASU

Announcement on Thesis Defense of Anastasiia Novokhatska

19.11.2018 Thesis defense D 26.207.01

Defense of the thesis “The effect of excess manganese on the formation of the structure and magnetoresistive properties of doped manganites” for the scientific degree of Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of junior researcher of Department of physical materials science of Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after O.O. Galkin of NAS of Ukraine Anastasiia Novokhatska will be held in Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Material Science of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, 3, Krzhizhanovsky Str., 03142 at December 12, 2018, 14.00.


Scientific specialty: 01.04.07 – solid state physics
Specialized Certification Councils – D 26.207.01 
Scientific advisor – Gennadiy Akimov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Senior Researcher at Donetsk Institute for Physics and Engineering named after O.O. Galkin of National Academy Sciences of Ukraine. 
Official opponent – Edward Zubov, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Senior Researcher, Leading Researcher at G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of National Academy Sciences of Ukraine.
Official opponent – Mykhailo Semen’ko, Doctor of Science in Physics and Mathematics, Professor of Department of Physics of Metals, Faculty of Physics at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.