IPMS of І.М.Frantsevich of NASU

Announcement on the dissertation defense of Zubko Yurii Yevhenovych

11.4.2021 Thesis defense D 26.207.03

11.05.2021 at 14:15 in the online conference in the program ZOOM will be the defense of the dissertation: «Optimization of production and use of fibers, microfiber and microspheres obtained by superheated basalt melts» for the degree of candidate of technical sciences Zubko Yurii Yevhenovych.

Code and title of scientific specialty: 05.02.01 – Material Science

Code of the academic council: D 26.207.03


Scientific supervisor Shtern Mykhailo Borysovych, Corresponding Member NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of the Department of Rheological and Physico-Chemical Fundamentals of Powder Materials Technology of the Institute of Problems of Materials Science named after І.М. Frantsevych National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv.

Official opponent – Buketov Andrii Viktorovych, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Transport Technologies and Mechanical Engineering of the Kherson State Maritime Academy of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kherson.

Official opponent – Kashytskyi Vitalii Pavlovych, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Materials Science, Lutsk National Technical University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Lutsk.

Materials for download:

All those wishing to take part in remote defense are asked to send a letter to d26.207.03.ipms@ukr.net, in which they indicate the e-mail to which the conference code will be sent.

Date of placement of the announcement of dissertation defense and author's abstract: 11.04.2021.