IPMS of І.М.Frantsevich of NASU

Announcement of the Thesis Defense by Mykola Prystash

23.8.2017 Thesis defense D 26.207.03

Subject of the thesis: "Regularities of phase- and structure formation of Fe–Ti–C and Fe–Ti–C–B systems materials in conditions of spark-plasma sintering".

For the degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences

Scheduled/Assigned date and time of thesis defense: 26th, September 2017 ar 2:00 pm.


Code and name of scientific specialty: 05.16.06. – Powder metallurgy and composite materials.
Code of the academic council: D 26.207.03

Location of thesis defence: Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, address:03680, Kyiv - 142 Krzhyzhanivskoho St., 3
Date of placing of ads on the thesis and of the abstract defence: August, 23, 2017
Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council D 26.207.03, Ph.D. O. V. Khomenko