
The influence of the choice of the brand of cutting diamonds and the concentration of UDPA in the bond filler on the performance of diamond tube drills when processing granite and glass


I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Usp. materialozn. 2023, 6:86-98


The results of laboratory tests for drilling granite and window glass with diamond tube drills are given. The drills were made by the method of vacuum impregnation, developed at the Institute of Scientific Research of the National Academy of Sciences named after I. M. Frantsevich, and studied on a Sachsenwerk drilling machine (Dresden, Germany) in cold running water in order to prevent oxidation of diamonds and bonds due to their heating during work. The dependence of the efficiency of the drills on the content of very strong cutting diamonds of the AS500 500/400 brand, less strong of the AS32 500/400 brand, as well as on the concentration of ultradispersed diamond powders (UDPA or ASM 1/0) in the filler of the tool bundles was studied. These indicators were compared with the indicators of drills equipped with diamond grains of the AS200 500/400 brand, which were obtained and described earlier when drilling the same non-metallic materials. The performance of diamond drills was evaluated by their wear and drilling speed. The highest quality tools can be obtained if you use high-strength diamond grains of the AS500 500/400 brand. The operational characteristics of such drills differed in high wear resistance (low wear) and drilling speed. The efficiency of drilling with diamond drills that were equipped with lower-quality diamond grains of the AS200 500/400 and AS32 500/400 brands was significantly lower. It was possible to increase the drilling speed and reduce the wear of such tools when the filler was introduced into the connection with ASM 1/0 in the amount of 57% (wt.) due to the improvement of its mechanical properties. But all the same, such diamond drills were inferior in efficiency to tools equipped with high-quality diamonds of the AS 500 500/400 brand.


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