
Hopeful high-strength casting alloys basedon Al-Mg-Ge(Si) ternary systems

N.Korzhova 1,
T.M.Legka 2,
Y.Milman 1,
N.Mordovec 1,
Sheretsky O.A 3,
V.V.Burtsev 2

1 I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Science of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
2 G.V. Kurdyumov Institute for Metal Physics of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
3 Phisico-technological Institute of Metals and Alloys of the NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Usp. materialozn. 2020, 1:55-66


The relative analysis of phase equilibria in the Al-corner of the ternary phase diagrams of Al-Mg-Ge(Si) systems is carried out. Both systems are characterized by the presence of a quasi-binary cross-section of the eutectic type, which is shifted towards Mg-enriched alloys, and sufficiently width range existence of the univariant eutectic transformation L⇄ α-Al + Mg2Ge(Si). The melting point of quasi-binary eutectic (α-Al + Mg2Ge) in the Al-Mg-Ge system and (α-Al + Mg2Si) in the Al-Mg-Si is 629 oС and 597 oС, respectively, and the content of the strengthening phase ((Mg2Ge или Mg2Si) in eutectics is 7% (vol.) и 13% (vol.). The properties of non-alloyed alloys with different volume content of eutectic are investigated and the basic compositions of alloys with the optimal strength/ductility ratio for subsequent doping are selected as well. Taking into account the coordinates of the corresponding eutectic transformations, the doping system with the participation of Zn, Cu and other elements is determined. The heat treatment regimes for multicomponent eutectic alloys were selected, to ensure precipitation of Zn(Cu)-nanoparticles that strengthen matrix solid solution. It was shown that according to the level of mechanical properties, these alloys belong to high-strength alloys with property ranges: (α-Al + Mg2Ge) - σВ= 470-590 МPа, σ0,2 = 350-520 МPа, δ = 8,0-15,5%; (α-Al + Mg2Si) - σВ = 400-560 МPа, σ0,2 =  430-520 МPа, δ = 2,3-4,5%. Using a complex U-like Nechenji-Kuptsov test, casting properties were determined and it was shown that the fluidity of (α-Al + Mg2Si) alloy was 1,3 times higher than that of the AK7ch cast alloy. In terms of the combination of mechanical and casting properties, the new multicomponent eutectic alloys based on the Al-Mg-Ge(Si) ternary systems are superior to the best modern industrial casting aluminum alloys. 

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